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Launching a game and not finding a seat can be frustrating

Our data shows that a significant portion of users (up to 40%) who enter our dedicated Live Blackjack tables abandon them before placing any bets. This high abandonment rate reduces player engagement and potential revenue.

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Product Designer, Research, Design conceptualization, prototyping, and testing.


4 Weeks

Target audience

Live casino Blackjack players


How might we

Make it easier for users to quickly find a blackjack table.


Context: Blackjack Game

Blackjack, also known as 21, is a popular card game typically played in casinos. The primary objective is to beat the dealer by having a hand value closer to 21 than the dealer's hand, without exceeding 21

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Game window with dealer and seats available, If there is a seat available, the user can start playing.

Game window with dealer and seats available, If there is a seat available, the user can start playing.

Homepage with game tiles

Game tiles with minimum bet and number of people playing, Ceratin games have unlimited seats.

Fig 1: Blackjack game

LiveScore lobby features an extensive range of games, including those from both LiveScore and other providers. Currently, we do not have specific data like minimum bet and no of people playing from the games from suppliers.


Understanding users

I started the project by doing a user interview in UserTesting to understand live casino blackjack player behaviors.







Seat availability is a key influence on table choice


Not finding a seat at a table is a reason for abandonment

Identifying patterns from user conversations

Each color represents a user,

Grouped similar conversations, and identified behaviors from it.

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Number of people playing is one of main reason for game choice

Users look for similar games when they can't find a seat in a game

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Some users have preferred seat position when playing in real casinos

Users don't have a specific seat position  preference in online casino

Fig 2: Affinity mapping

Behavior identified, Assumptions proved


Number of people playing is one of the major factors of choosing a game


Users do not have a preferred seat


Preferred seat changes in real life and online


If not able to find a seat at a table, will look for a similar table


Not finding a seat is the reason for leaving

Pain points


Inefficient Seat Searching

Users have to go through each of the game tiles to determine if there is an available seat, which is time-consuming and frustrating. Users dislike waiting for a spot and prefer rooms where they can join and play immediately.


Difficulty Finding Preferred Tables

Users have specific preferences when selecting a table (e.g., No. of players, Game type, minimum stakes), but struggle to manually find suitable tables among hundreds of options.



Conducted an ideation workshop with 8 stakeholders, Generated ideas, mapped out ideas based on impact and effort, and voted on the ideas

How might we?
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Vote results


Quick Launch into a game from our lobby into any available game


Game filtering to allow players to choose their preferred tables


In-game notifications when seats become available


Create a lobby inside the game and show available tables


Social Tables - allowing players to play with friends


Improve seat availability design on game tiles

Fig 3: How might we

Fig 4: Impact and effort mapping



8 ideas in 8 Minutes

Conducted a crazy 8 workshop with few stakeholders and designers to further deep dive into the problem.

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Fig 5: crazy8 worksop sketches


Prioritizing ideas

Prioritised the voted ideas from the workshop based on impact and effort to identify the best option to go for.

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Fig 6: Impact effort mapping

Then we decided to go with


Users can be quickly launched into a game with an available seat


Ideation and basic flow

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Fig 7: Wireframes

Widget on homepage

Enter Attributes

Finding your table

Table found

Launch into table


Finalising the filters

Conducted a card-sorting exercise to understand what are the filters important to the user when choosing a game. Asked users to rank the filter options from Rank 1-7, Rank 1 being most important and rank 7 being least important

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Final filters


Mininum stake


Seat availability


Game type

Fig 8: Card sorting from UserTesting



Blackjack seat finder is a widget on the homepage, which would show basic filters to the users. "Show more" would open up more filters.

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Pro: Showing the few filters upfront so they know their actions.


Con: Can take up a lot of space on the homepage, which would push other games below the fold. The above-the-fold content is very important because very few users scroll below the fold.


Blackjack seat finder widget, users would only see filters when they click to get started, which opens up a new screen where users can choose their filters.

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Pro: Small widget on the homepage, takes up little space.


Con: Users don't have a clear idea about what is going to happen when they click to get started, there is an ambiguity around it.

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Adding additional filters

Some users prefer specific game suppliers when selecting a game. We have data on which games come from which suppliers, enabling us to filter games by provider. Based on user preferences and data from card sorting, we decided to add game suppliers to the filters. This will help users find their preferred games more easily and reduce the likelihood of them abandoning tables that are not from their favored suppliers.

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Fig 9: Card sorting from UserTesting


Defining the solution

Final Designs

After analyzing the pros and cons of each option, I chose this one for its simplicity. The small widget on the homepage occupies minimal space and provides users with a clear understanding of what will happen when they click "Quick Launch a Table.", Also its approach is scalable as if we are adding new filters in the future, as the user is interacting with the filter, even if it is taking space it won't effect anything surrounding it.

Users can directly launch into an available table or can apply specific filters to find specific tables.

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Fig 10: Mid fidelity designs


Testing early

Conducted an unmoderated usability study in UserTesting with 5 participants and recorded the observations.


Users are very satisfied with their experience and are likely to use this feature.

Fig 11: User talking how likely they would be using this feature

Fig 12: User talking about their confusion on game suppliers

 3/5 Users didn't know what game suppliers were, they had a vague understanding.

 5/5 Users would expect to enter their preferences before quickly launching a table

 5/5 Users would understand that filters would show preferences

 5/5 Users would understand that after applying the filters the table will be launched instead of giving them options to choose and launch from.

 5/5 Users understand that “2” on filters means that filters are applied


Iteration from usability test

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A few users took a few seconds to click "filters", so to make it more obvious, changed its position next to the main CTA, and added interaction around the button.

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Introduced an info button for both "table type" and "supplier" which would open up a modal explaining what they are so that users understand it.


Design Analysis

99% of the time the widget will land users into a game that has a table and it will be based on their preferences which should reduce the abandonment rate to a great extent


Quick launch into any table

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Pain point 1 ​

Inefficient Seat Searching

Users have to go through each of the game tiles to know if there is a seat available, here

"Quick launch a table" would directly launch users into a game with an available seat, which reduces the effort the user has to find the game manually.

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Homepage Widget

In game


Launching into a table based on users preferences

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Pain point 2

Difficulty Finding Preferred Tables

Users have specific preferences when selecting a table (e.g., No. of players, Game type, minimum stakes), but struggle to manually find suitable tables among hundreds of options.



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In Game

Finding a game


End of funnel

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Game window

Inside the game window

Widget expanded

Filters autosaved

When users try to exit from the game, they are shown the seat finder widget again, which they might use to find a different game, which helps in retaining them in the game.


Applying filters but not able to find a table

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Finding a table- loader

Not able to find a table

Game window

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Fig 13: Desktop and mobile protyope video


Next steps

Performance Tracking and Analysis

​We have implemented tracking. This will enable us to gain valuable insights into what features are effective, identify areas that need improvement, and understand user behavior better.

Enhanced Filter Options

Users have expressed a desire for more filter options. We will address this in the next iteration, ensuring a more customizable and user-friendly experience.​

Multiple Selection Capability

Currently, the filter does not support multiple selections. This limitation will be rectified in the upcoming iteration, allowing users to apply multiple filters simultaneously for a more refined search.

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